Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
A breakdown of word trends to denote prominence
By using Voyant Tools, there are several significant tactics to analyze trends to develop a further understanding of Machine Readable Text. Full documentation can be found here.

Character Comparisons

By comparing one character to another (especially the main character), we can understand the imporantance of a character throughout the text. Additionally, analyzing what sections of text the character appears most prominantly (and how prominantly) can tell us how important a character is in a specific point in the story.

Rachael v.s. Rick

Rachael is by no means one of the two primary characters in the novel. She is only seen in the beginning and the end, yet Rick develops a keen obsession of her throughout the novel. Interestingly, when she is introduced, her name is mentioned more often than Ricks, indicating her importance. Whenever she is present in text, Ricks prominence begins to subside, and in most cases when Rachael is involved, she actually overtakes his frequency.

Isidore v.s. Rick

Isidore and Rick are both main characters throughout the novel. While Rick is of greater importance (because his overall frequency is greater), Isidore does surpass him in frequency in multiple situations throughout the text. In fact, they seem like complete polar oposites. Whenever one is of prominance, the other is not. One may argue that this is because the characters are not usually mentioned together until the end, however the end of the trend graph does not support this. While yes, they interact near the end of the novel, one is still peaking in prominence while the other is at a minimum. What is more interesting is their relationship between sections 3 and 4. Perhaps there is greater meaning in that section? Looks like a re-read is in order.

Supporting Characters

There are various characters who appear in the novel. Of these, there are a few that could be considered significant supporting characters. Interestly enough, if one views their prominance of a timeline divided into sections of the novel, each has their own part to claim dominance, however at the end of the novel, all are mentioned and are somehow involved.

Visualizing Through Progression

By analyzing the frequency of a topic, one can determine how prominenant the topic is over certain sections of the novel.






Topic Prominance

By analyzing the frequency of a topic, one can determine how prominenant the topic is over certain sections of the novel.


Religion, for example, serves as a prominant topic for what seems the entire novel. However, when plotting its frequency on a trend chart, its clear that its prominance only becomes significant towards the end of the novel.

Mercer v.s. Isidore

Isidore is a very loud voice for the primary religion in the novel. He mentions its importance every time he is mentioned in the novel. It makes logical sense then to compare Isidore's prominence to the prominance of Mercer. Interestingly, Mercer has no relationship to its most prominant supporter.

Topics and Supporting Words

By comparing one topic's prominance to words that are clearly involved with it, one can usually see a coralation.

Android v.s. Test

As the topic of androids is mentioned, "test", a word that is usually connected in some way to the subject of androids, also increases.

Writing Techniques

Analyzing the sections of text for prominence of certain words can indicate if the writer changes their writing style throughout the text.

Like v.s. It's

By comparing a word such as "like" to the word "it's", one can determine if the writer uses synonym more frequently than direct statement. Throughout the novel, both terms remain consistant. The author does not seem to prefer one over the other, but uses them both prominantly throughout the novel.